Feaster Heirloom Mustard Feast

Feaster Heirloom Mustard Feast

When he donated seeds to us last year, Jerome said, “Cool weather is greens weather, and we like to eat these greens on special occasions. A popular menu is to have them served with sweet potatoes and ham.” Well, this year, Jerome wanted to share his tradition with the staff at SSE, so he sent up a box of freshly picked greens to help us celebrate New Year’s Day!

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Seeds in the Spotlight

Seeds in the Spotlight

We were excited last week to welcome our friend Austin to Heritage Farm. He's helping us tell our story on film for our 40th anniversary.  

Keep your eyes peeled for the video, which will be coming your way in the New Year! For now, here's a behind the scenes look at the filming process. 

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Between the Bookends at Becker Library: 14 from '14

Between the Bookends at Becker Library: 14 from '14

In Seed Savers Exchange's Becker Library, we collect books that help us learn about the truly amazing collection we steward: the people, the communities, the foodways, the gardening practices, the historical contexts, and the potential threats  the  whole shebang. Libraries are about the whole shebang. And with that in mind, I'm happy to share 14 diverse titles we acquired during the past year, 2014, and wish you all a very happy 2015! Find a warm stove to cozy up to and read one of these good books this winter!

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The Heart of What We Do

The Heart of What We Do

Every year for the last 40, support from conscientious donors has allowed us to increase our commitment to the safekeeping and propagation of heirloom plant varieties. We cannot do the work of preserving our garden heritage without you.  

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Gardens, Libraries, and La Dolce Vita

Gardens, Libraries, and La Dolce Vita

At first glance, it may seed odd that an organization known and loved for promoting dirt under your fingernails would have a library. But the library has grown to become an essential part of the mission-driven daily life of Seed Savers Exchange, providing information essential to researching the history of valuable heirloom seeds.

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Photo Essay: Capturing a Season

Photo Essay: Capturing a Season

At Seed Savers Exchange we use photos to document our work, to record images of particular varieties, and to share the experience of our events and daily activity with you. Here's a look at some of our favorites from the last few years, all taken by the staff at Heritage Farm in Decorah, Iowa.

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(Almost) Instant Replay: 9th Annual Tomato Tasting Results

(Almost) Instant Replay: 9th Annual Tomato Tasting Results

Perhaps the only thing that the staff a Seed Savers Exchange love more about their jobs than growing plants  is actually getting to eat some of the amazing fruits that these plants produce. As part of our work here we get to take part in taste evaluations and no evaluation is more anticipated and beloved than our Annual Tomato Tasting.

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Reinvention of the Humble Tomato Tasting

Reinvention of the Humble Tomato Tasting

Due to the popularity of our on-site Tomato Tasting, and the wild success of last year’s Apple Tasting event in Des Moines, we had the idea to hit the road with our tomatoes. As we began developing plans for a Tomato Tasting Block Party at the Tiny Diner in Minneapolis, we got inspired to expand beyond our initial vision for an off-site outreach effort.

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