SSE 2016 Yearbook Released

SSE 2016 Yearbook Released

Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) has released their 2016 Yearbook, a listing of fruit, vegetable, grain, flower, and herb seeds that SSE members have harvested and would like to share with others.  The 2016 Yearbook has over 16,422 unique varieties of plants listed; many of them are available nowhere else in the United States.

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Plants that draw pollinators to your garden

Plants that draw pollinators to your garden

According to the USDA, animals pollinate about 75% of crop plants grown worldwide for food, fiber, beverages, condiments, spices, and medicines (  A healthy garden needs the assistance of our insect friends. Here are a few plants, available from Seed Savers Exchange, that will attract these pollinators to the garden.

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