Donations to SSE make a difference every day

Donations to SSE make a  difference every day

Do you ever wonder how your investment is used at Seed Savers Exchange?  How your donation or membership has an impact for the greater good?  Meet Lori.

“I grow heirloom tomatoes, and this year, in honor of my 50th birthday, I grew 50 varieties and I got probably a third of them from a Seed Savers Exchange member who had seeds in the Yearbook.  I talk about this place all the time and have become known in the community as someone who grows heirlooms.”

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How to set up a tomato tasting

How to set up a tomato tasting

Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) has been holding tomato tastings for ten years. The events have always been popular and we often have guests attending from across the country. But if you can’t make the trek to Heritage Farm in Northeast Iowa, here's how you can set up a tasting of your own.

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Drought Strategies for Vegetable Gardening

Drought Strategies for Vegetable Gardening

When we look to the American West the scarcity of water is plainly visible. But what can we do? How can we all use our water more responsibly now to ensure a more secure future? Shrink or eliminate our lawns? Sure. Use drip irrigation? Yes. Recycle water? Of course. Plant more vegetables and fruits? Believe it or not, yes.

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Building Community: Think Outside the Seed Packet

Building Community: Think Outside the Seed Packet

I have an opportunity to develop a municipal-level seed library as a regional destination, and I'm writing about it all through SSE to inspire you to do your best in your community. There's opportunity out there, and my advice to you is stay open to all the possibilities

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Between the Bookends at Becker Library: 14 from '14

Between the Bookends at Becker Library: 14 from '14

In Seed Savers Exchange's Becker Library, we collect books that help us learn about the truly amazing collection we steward: the people, the communities, the foodways, the gardening practices, the historical contexts, and the potential threats  the  whole shebang. Libraries are about the whole shebang. And with that in mind, I'm happy to share 14 diverse titles we acquired during the past year, 2014, and wish you all a very happy 2015! Find a warm stove to cozy up to and read one of these good books this winter!

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