National Plant a Flower Day: You Know What to Do!

Did you know that this Sunday, March 12, is National Plant a Flower Day? That’s right—there’s a day each year devoted to beautifying our world with flowers.

Blue Boy Bachelor' Buttons make a great addition to cut or dried flower arrangements. 

Blue Boy Bachelor' Buttons make a great addition to cut or dried flower arrangements. 

Few things on Earth captivate like a flower in bloom. And even if pansies or poppies aren’t your thing, odds are good you can find plenty of other flowering plants that strike your fancy. There are, after all, more than 400,000 known flowering plant species around the globe.

If you live in a warmer climate, then pull out your spade, pull on your garden gloves, and get to digging this Sunday. Sow some new seeds, bulbs, or plants that will delight neighbors and passersby with colorful blooms in the coming months.

Fun fact: The colorful blossoms of the calendula flower are entirely edible. 

Fun fact: The colorful blossoms of the calendula flower are entirely edible. 

If you live in a cooler climate, breaking out the gardening tools may still be a bit premature. You can, however, sow seeds indoors. (Just transplant the seedlings outside when the air and soil temperatures are right.)

If you don’t have time this Sunday to plant a flower, at least take a moment to appreciate the wonder of flowers and begin thinking about how you can make the most of your flower garden in the months ahead, keeping these tips in mind:

  • Mix perennials (flowers that grow back year after year) with annuals (those that require planting each year) .
  • Plan with height in mind.
  • Be aware of sun requirements—some flowers flourish in full sun, others in partial shade.
  • Nurture your plants with organic fertilizer.
  • Think about bloom sequence when designing your flower garden. 
  • Remember heirloom and open-pollinated flowers provide nectar for pollinators. 
  • Plant flowers that can also beautify your home in fresh-cut or dried-flower bouquets. 

“The Earth laughs in flowers.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson