Donations to SSE make a difference every day

Donations to SSE make a  difference every day

Do you ever wonder how your investment is used at Seed Savers Exchange?  How your donation or membership has an impact for the greater good?  Meet Lori.

“I grow heirloom tomatoes, and this year, in honor of my 50th birthday, I grew 50 varieties and I got probably a third of them from a Seed Savers Exchange member who had seeds in the Yearbook.  I talk about this place all the time and have become known in the community as someone who grows heirlooms.”

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Community Profile: Flint, Michigan - Casting a Vote for Seeds

Community Profile: Flint, Michigan - Casting a Vote for Seeds

Over 200 community gardens are present in Flint. The adoption of the city’s first long-range master plan in over 50 years is invigorating community gardening and urban agriculture enthusiasts with the mapping of “Green Innovation” areas and “Green Neighborhoods.” The Flint Seed Democracy is hoping to keep crops for food and seed firmly rooted in the local climate and economy.

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Storing Heirloom Squash Over the Winter

Storing Heirloom Squash Over the Winter

If you have winter squash in your garden that are ready to be harvested, these simple steps can help you store them a bit longer so that you can delay  processing, seed saving, and pie making until later in the winter when you’ve worked your way through your less patient produce.

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In Defense of Seed Libraries

In Defense of Seed Libraries

Recently, state governments in Pennsylvania and Maryland have intervened to prevent the free distribution of home-saved vegetable seeds through public seed libraries in their states, citing legislation meant to regulate the commercial sale of seeds.

At Seed Savers Exchange, we feel that these actions are misguided and overzealous.

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Saving Seeds from Biennial Plants

Saving Seeds from Biennial Plants

This month we asked two experienced staff members at Seed Savers Exchange to share their knowledge about saving seeds from biennials. Our Field Manager, Bryan Stuart, and one of our Field Technicians, Trevor Madsen, took the time to answer a few questions about biennial plants. Read on for their detailed responses or click through the slideshow for some quick biennial seed saving steps.

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